
At 22 Rogers Street, Spring hill, Queensland 4000

Type of place

Cottage, House


Victorian 1860-1890



This is an image of the local heritage place known as Hamilton's Cottage

This is an image of the local heritage place known as Hamilton's Cottage 1

Hamilton's Cottage

Hamilton's Cottage Download Citation (pdf, 79.16 KB)


At 22 Rogers Street, Spring hill, Queensland 4000

Type of place

Cottage, House


Victorian 1860-1890



This house was built circa 1882 for grocer George Hamilton. It is a rare brick nineteenth century cottage surviving in what was one of Brisbane’s earliest suburbs.

Lot plan


Key dates

Local Heritage Place Since —

Date of Citation —


Roof: Corrugated iron;
Walls: Face brick

Criterion for listing

(A) Historical; (B) Rarity

Interactive mapping

City Plan Interactive Mapping

Lot plan


Key dates

Local Heritage Place Since —

Date of Citation —


Roof: Corrugated iron;
Walls: Face brick

Criterion for listing

(A) Historical; (B) Rarity

Interactive mapping

City Plan Interactive Mapping


Suburban portion 235 was purchased on 27 December 1858 by John Christian Huessler of Brisbane. He paid £65.7s.8d for 2 acres and 2 perches of land at Spring Hollow (Spring Hill). He subdivided the land into smaller allotments and then conducted a land sale.

On 13 December 1862, Charles George Skinner acquired 1 rood and 4.5 perches of land described as subdivisions 29 and 30 of portion 235. Skinner mortgaged the land for £200 through the Trust and Mortgage Company of Australasia on 27 September 1865. It is possible that Skinner used this money to pay for the construction of the residence at 22 Rogers Street. The earliest edition of the Queensland Post Office Directories was published in 1868 but simply lists Skinner as a commission agent living in Brisbane. At that time, Skinner's land also encompassed the current site at 58-60 St Paul's Terrace. The two-storey brick shop now occupying this site dates from 1856 and so it is possible that Skinner had a brick residence built down the hill from this shop sometime during the 1860s.

George Hamilton purchased subdivisions 29 and 30 on 29 November 1872. Hamilton was a grocer and he first appeared as a resident of Leichhardt Street, Spring Hill in the 1874 edition of the Queensland Post Office Directories. It shows, however, that he lived in the block situated between Hope and Boundary Streets.

Hamilton is not listed as living at the corner of Rogers and Leichhardt Streets until the 1883-84 edition of the POD. Hamilton's property fronted Leichhardt Street so it seems likely that his street address would be listed under Leichhardt Street rather than Rogers Street. As the research for the POD was compiled in the year prior to publication, it may be assumed Hamilton's residence was built by 1882.

 Hamilton continued to reside at this property until his death on 26 January 1899. His estate was passed to Thomas Hamilton and Catherine King Hamilton on 3 October 1899. Thomas Hamilton was a storekeeper and he continued to live at the family's Rogers Street home. The Hamilton family maintained their links with the property until the death of Catherine King Hamilton on 16 March 1937.

This is a rare brick nineteenth century cottage surviving in what was one of Brisbane's earliest suburbs.

Statement of significance

Relevant assessment criteria

This is a place of local heritage significance and meets one or more of the local heritage criteria under the Heritage planning scheme policy of the Brisbane City Plan 2014. It is significant because:


  1. Brisbane City Council, 1946 aerial photographs.

  2. Brisbane City Council’s Central Library, local history sheets

  3. Department of Natural Resources, Queensland Certificates of Title and other records

  4. John Oxley Library, Parish of Nundah, County of Stanley, L.A.D. of Brisbane map, (1899 land grant map).

  5. John Oxley Library, Brisbane Suburbs – Estate Maps

  6. Queensland Government, Queensland Pioneers Index 1829-1889, (Brisbane: Department of Justice and Attorney General, 2000)

  7. Queensland Post Office Directories, 1868-1949

Citation prepared by — Brisbane City Council (page revised June 2022)

Victorian 1860-1890
At 22 Rogers Street, Spring hill, Queensland 4000
At 22 Rogers Street, Spring hill, Queensland 4000 L2_GTP1650
Historical, Rarity