Type of place
Victorian 1860-1890
Type of place
Victorian 1860-1890
Constructed circa 1885, this late nineteenth century, two-storey, masonry commercial building, which is located along the commercial High Street of Toowong, was occupied by the prominent Toowong drapery company of Carver and Co., for more than 65 years.
Also known as
Peerless Dry Cleaning
Lot plan
Key dates
Local Heritage Place Since —
Date of Citation —
Roof: Corrugated iron;Walls: Masonry - Render
Criterion for listing
(A) Historical; (B) Rarity; (H) Historical associationInteractive mapping
Also known as
Peerless Dry Cleaning
Lot plan
Key dates
Local Heritage Place Since —
Date of Citation —
Roof: Corrugated iron;Walls: Masonry - Render
Criterion for listing
(A) Historical; (B) Rarity; (H) Historical associationInteractive mapping
This property was purchased by Henry Pears from Heannah Ward in August 1876. The present building was erected on the site sometime during the mid 1880s. In May 1886 a £750 loan was taken out by trustees and the POD of 1885-6 lists the occupant of a building on the property as, 'Carver and Co.' This firm, which may have been established as early as 1876, were drapers and outfitters.
Photographic evidence indicates the facade of the building underwent some alteration prior to the 1920s. Although Carver and Co remained at the premises until 1951, historical title deeds show the property was never registered in the name of Carver and Co. The property remained within the Pears family until purchased by Peerless Drycleaners Pty. Ltd. in 1953.
The building was a local landmark for a number of years. It was a two-storey masonry building surrounded by lesser timber structures and housed the well-known drapery firm Carver and Co., making it a distinctive feature on High Street.
This is a two-storey rendered brick commercial building with front wall and parapet on the alignment. The side boundaries, and building walls, are skewed to the frontage. The overall character this building conveys is that of a prosperous nineteenth century town-centre building.
The building originally had a generous straight-roofed, post-supported awning over the footpath. The ground floor shopfronts have been modified and the awning replaced with a suspended structure. The original parapet profile is intact with the exception of a missing central masonry finial; the three upper floor double-hung windows are existent, as is the ashlar coursing to the rendered front wall. Decorated rainwater heads exist on the front corners of the building, typical of nineteenth century design. A pitched corrugated steel clad roof with ventilators is visible behind the parapets to all sides of the building.
Statement of significance
Relevant assessment criteria
This is a place of local heritage significance and meets one or more of the local heritage criteria under the Heritage planning scheme policy of the Brisbane City Plan 2014. It is significant because:
Supporting images

Unidentified photographer,
‘Horse team pulling a log jinker in High Street, Toowong, ca. 1920’,
John Oxley Library, State Library of Queensland.
A view of the Carver & Co. building with horse team posing in the foreground, viewed from near the intersection of High and Ebor streets, Toowong, looking west.
Brisbane City Council Water Supply and Sewerage Detail Plans No: 855
Department of Natural Resources, Queensland Certificates of title and other records.
Environmental Protection Agency
JOL Estate Map Collection and photographic collection
Lawson, Ronald Brisbane in the 1890s: A Study of an Australian Urban Society. St Lucia U of Q Press, 1973
McKellar's Map of Brisbane and Suburbs. Brisbane: Surveyor-General’s Office, 1895
Postal Pioneers: A History of Post Offices in Queensland. Graham Dawson & Lorelei Baum, Public Relations Office, Australia Post (Queensland: Australia Post.1987). Vol 1
Donald Watson and Judith McKay, Queensland Architects of the Nineteenth Century, South Brisbane: Queensland Museum, 1994
Citation prepared by — Brisbane City Council (page revised September 2020)