
At 323 Tingira Street, Pinkenba, Queensland 4008

Type of place

Monument / memorial


Late 20th Century 1960-1999



This is an image of the local heritage place known as Amoco Time Capsule

Amoco Memorial Time Capsule

Amoco Memorial Time Capsule Download Citation (pdf, 122.45 KB)


At 323 Tingira Street, Pinkenba, Queensland 4008

Type of place

Monument / memorial


Late 20th Century 1960-1999



The American Oil Company (Amoco), constructed this time capsule and monument in 1964 to mark the commencement of oil refining in Brisbane. Oil had been discovered in central south Queensland in 1961 and it was decided to build a refinery at Bulwer Island. Weighing a total of twelve tonnes, the contents of the time capsule included a series of brief histories from various Queensland Government Departments, nineteenth century documents, microfilms, household gadgets, and sound recordings. The time capsule is to be opened on 4 May 2066.

Lot plan

L3_SP213120; L4_SP213120

Key dates

Local Heritage Place Since —

Date of Citation —



Criterion for listing

(A) Historical; (B) Rarity; (C) Scientific; (H) Historical association

Interactive mapping

City Plan Interactive Mapping

Lot plan

L3_SP213120; L4_SP213120

Key dates

Local Heritage Place Since —

Date of Citation —



Criterion for listing

(A) Historical; (B) Rarity; (C) Scientific; (H) Historical association

Interactive mapping

City Plan Interactive Mapping

Statement of significance

Relevant assessment criteria

This is a place of local heritage significance and meets one or more of the local heritage criteria under the Heritage planning scheme policy of the Brisbane City Plan 2014. It is significant because:

Citation prepared by — Brisbane City Council (page revised June 2022)

Late 20th Century 1960-1999
Monument / memorial
At 323 Tingira Street, Pinkenba, Queensland 4008
At 323 Tingira Street, Pinkenba, Queensland 4008 L3_SP213120; L4_SP213120
Historical, Rarity, Scientific, Historical association