
At 475 Cavendish Road, Coorparoo, Queensland 4151

Type of place

Cottage, House


Interwar 1919-1939




At 475 Cavendish Road, Coorparoo, Queensland 4151

Type of place

Cottage, House


Interwar 1919-1939



This timber house in Cavendish Road was built under the Anzac Cottage Scheme, an initiative of the Queensland War Council under the auspices of a sub-committee named the Anzac Committee. Its directive was to establish homes for widows and their dependants of enlisted men killed in World War I. Construction of the cottages was funded by the Queensland Lottery and the Golden Casket, and they were built using volunteer labour. Only 38 Anzac Cottages were built in Brisbane, many of which no longer survive. While the precise construction date of this house has not yet been determined, all TB Homes in Brisbane were constructed between 1923 and 1932.

Also known as

TB Home

Lot plan


Key dates

Local Heritage Place Since —

Date of Citation —


Walls: Timber

Criterion for listing

(A) Historical; (B) Rarity; (H) Historical association

Interactive mapping

City Plan Interactive Mapping

Also known as

TB Home

Lot plan


Key dates

Local Heritage Place Since —

Date of Citation —


Walls: Timber

Criterion for listing

(A) Historical; (B) Rarity; (H) Historical association

Interactive mapping

City Plan Interactive Mapping


This house in Cavendish Road was built under the Anzac Cottage and TB Homes Scheme, which provided homes for the families of servicemen who were killed during World War I.

The Anzac Committee was established in Queensland in 1915 as a sub-committee of the Queensland War Council. It endeavoured to ease the hardship experienced by the widows and dependents of servicemen killed in World War I by the acquisition of land and construction of homes. Construction of the cottages was funded from the profits made by the Queensland Golden Caskets lottery, specifically lottery numbers three, four and five. This was an initiative of the Anzac Cottage Committee headed by Harry Coyne, MP. 

Anzac Cottages were also constructed in other states with the first one probably built in Western Australia in 1916. Research suggests that the first Anzac Cottage in Brisbane was built in 1917 on donated land on the corner of Pullen and South Pine Roads, Everton Park. A pre-cut house was donated by the Brisbane timber firm of Brown and Broad who launched their catalogue of ‘Newstead’ ready to erect houses in 1915.

The scheme provided timber cottages, mostly built on donated land and constructed by volunteer labour. Much of the material used for the construction of the cottages was supplied at cost price by Brisbane businesses. Various community groups also contributed funds such as the proceeds of school concerts and other fundraising activities. 

The Anzac Committee was also responsible for determining who would occupy the houses. A prerequisite for occupancy was that the widow was to be of ‘good character’, and remain unmarried and respectable. The widow was to pay a small rent of £1/6 per week as well as Council rates and other expenses. The land was to be held in perpetuity by the Public Curator, with the widow or dependant signing a lease. The rent paid was to fund the ongoing maintenance of the cottages. If the widow remarried, she had to vacate the cottage. 

In 1923 the Queensland War Council decided to use the balance in the Anzac Cottage fund to build TB Homes. TB Homes were intended for returned soldiers and sailors suffering from tuberculosis and were rented at £8/- per week. Only married servicemen who did not own or were not buying a home were eligible for a TB Home and they were required to be members of the TB Sailors, Soldiers and Airmen’s Association of Queensland.


TB Homes were designed and built under the auspices of the Workers’ Dwelling Branch and were of a standard type, different to Anzac Cottages, costing around £700. The Public Curator however, managed them in a similar way to Anzac Cottages. By October 1924 nine homes had been built.

The design of the TB homes shared similarities with pre-cut homes produced by firms like Campbell’s and particularly Brown & Broad. Both firms were recorded as supplying materials to the Anzac Cottage scheme and produced designs which conformed to the requirements of the Workers Dwelling Act of 1909.

The Anzac Cottage Trust Committee was disbanded in 1932 and responsibility for the houses passed to the Public Curator (renamed Public Trustee in 1978). By 1956, the majority of the Anzac Cottages were rented to non-Anzac families as the number of World War I widows and descendants had decreased. The Anzac Cottages & TB Homes Act of 1960 was passed enabling the sale of properties held in trust for Anzac Cottages or TB Homes to fund repairs to tenanted cottages.  During the debate on this bill it was revealed 50 Anzac Cottages had been built in Queensland, 38 of which were in Brisbane. Twenty-six TB Homes had been built, of which 22 were in Brisbane.

In November 1998 the Public Trustee listed 60 Anzac Cottages/TB Homes it administered in Brisbane. Another 16 were located outside Brisbane. Many were named commemorating notable Anzac locations or people. 

The land on which the house is situated remained in the property of the Crown until 1980 when the lot (837 m²) was transferred to private owners.

The house has had some modern alterations and additions including a timber front carport in 1995 and a rear deck in 2003.


This house is a high set timber framed and clad house fronting Cavendish Road, Coorparoo. It has a hipped roof clad with corrugated metal sheets extending over a front, enclosed verandah.

A central stair leads to the front door on the enclosed verandah. (This corresponds to the stair’s position on a 1944 Surveyor’s plan).

The front windows are screened by timber lattice and a timber roof has been added above the front gate. Other additions include the front carport (1995) and rear deck (2003). These changes are not considered to be of heritage significance.

Statement of significance

Relevant assessment criteria

This is a place of local heritage significance and meets one or more of the local heritage criteria under the Heritage planning scheme policy of the Brisbane City Plan 2014. It is significant because:


  1. Queensland Certificates of Title

  2. Queensland Post Office Directories

  3. EHP. Extract from Queensland Heritage Register 602064 – ‘Strathearn’. Retrieved 26 May

  4. Brisbane City Council Detail Plan no 1085. Revised to 1957

  5. BCA Surveyor’s Book. Coorparoo – Cavendish Rd 475 – B764 – 125 – 10 April 1944

Citation prepared by — Brisbane City Council (page revised September 2020)

Interwar 1919-1939
At 475 Cavendish Road, Coorparoo, Queensland 4151
At 475 Cavendish Road, Coorparoo, Queensland 4151 L802_SL9199
Historical, Rarity, Historical association