Type of place
Federation 1890-1914
Type of place
Federation 1890-1914
This dwelling was one of a group of three residences that evidence indicates were erected as rental properties. The design for the dwelling has been attributed to the notable and influential architects Hall and Dods.
Lot plan
Key dates
Local Heritage Place Since —
Date of Citation —
Roof: Corrugated iron;Walls: Timber
Hall and Dods (Architect)Criterion for listing
(B) Rarity; (E) Aesthetic; (H) Historical associationInteractive mapping
Lot plan
Key dates
Local Heritage Place Since —
Date of Citation —
Roof: Corrugated iron;Walls: Timber
Hall and Dods (Architect)Criterion for listing
(B) Rarity; (E) Aesthetic; (H) Historical associationInteractive mapping
This house is one of three virtually identical houses built around 1900; their construction coinciding with the formation of Best (originally called William) Street. James Scott then owned the land on which this house stands. His wife, Agnes Ingram Scott, owned the adjoining allotment and between them they owned the three allotments on which the houses were built.
The land was originally part of Portion 114, an area of 2 acres 2 roods 16 perches granted to Joshua Jeays, after whom the street is named, in 1856. The land was subdivided, and this and an adjoining subdivision were bought by John McAllister in 1878. Agnes and James Scott bought the properties in September 1899 and presumably built the houses as rental investments.
The first occupant of this house was Richard Taylor. Residents regularly changed over the following years, with the property continuing to be rented until 1923 when John Hynes bought the property and occupied the house. The houses were possibly designed by Hall and Dods. This influential and productive architectural practice produced distinctive styles of housing, a number of which in Bowen Hills were purpose-built quality rental properties such as this and its remaining partner.
Statement of significance
Relevant assessment criteria
This is a place of local heritage significance and meets one or more of the local heritage criteria under the Heritage planning scheme policy of the Brisbane City Plan 2014. It is significant because:
Department of Environment and Resource Management, Queensland Certificates of Title.
Brisbane City Council, Sewerage Maps, Detail Plan No 217
Queensland Post Office Directories
Brisbane City Council aerial photographs, 1946, 2001, 2009
Brisbane City Council, Properties on the Web, Building Cards
Brisbane City Council Heritage Unit, Bowen Hills Heritage and Character Study, December 2000
Citation prepared by — Brisbane City Council (page revised June 2022)