Type of place
Terrace house
Victorian 1860-1890
Type of place
Terrace house
Victorian 1860-1890
This row of three masonry terrace houses was built in 1881 by Brisbane builder, John Arthur Manis O’Keefe. They were designed by one of Brisbane’s most prominent architects from this era, Andrea Stombuco. The terrace houses reflect the urban development of Petrie Terrace when larger residences were being constructed on the high ridges overlooking the city for affluent residents and many small workers’ cottages were built on the slopes and valleys of the early suburb for those of lesser means. Although the terrace houses fell into disrepair, in the 1980s they were restored and today play an important role in the historic streetscape of Petrie Terrace.
Lot plan
L3_SP113050; L1_SP113050; L2_SP113050
Key dates
Local Heritage Place Since —
Date of Citation —
Walls: MasonryPeople/associations
Andrea Giovanni Stombuco (Architect)Criterion for listing
(A) Historical; (B) Rarity; (E) Aesthetic; (H) Historical associationInteractive mapping
Lot plan
L3_SP113050; L1_SP113050; L2_SP113050
Key dates
Local Heritage Place Since —
Date of Citation —
Walls: MasonryPeople/associations
Andrea Giovanni Stombuco (Architect)Criterion for listing
(A) Historical; (B) Rarity; (E) Aesthetic; (H) Historical associationInteractive mapping
Statement of significance
Relevant assessment criteria
This is a place of local heritage significance and meets one or more of the local heritage criteria under the Heritage planning scheme policy of the Brisbane City Plan 2014. It is significant because:
Citation prepared by — Brisbane City Council (page revised June 2022)