
At 143 Adelaide Street East, Clayfield, Queensland 4011

Type of place



Federation 1890-1914



This is an image of the local heritage place known as Residence 'Mardan'


Mardan Download Citation (pdf, 217.58 KB)


At 143 Adelaide Street East, Clayfield, Queensland 4011

Type of place



Federation 1890-1914



This fine Federation-era home was built for John Spence Irvine, a manager with the Fortitude Valley drapery firm of Foy and Gibson, around 1908. It was acquired by Longreach grazier James Peterson and his wife Sarah in 1912. James Peterson represented and promoted Queensland pastoral interests and was instrumental in shaping Queensland’s political landscape in the 1920s. Sarah Peterson was significantly involved in large scale community and welfare activities, for many years, for which she was awarded an MBE.

Lot plan


Key dates

Local Heritage Place Since —

Date of Citation —


Roof: Corrugated iron;
Walls: Timber

Criterion for listing

(A) Historical; (H) Historical association

Interactive mapping

City Plan Interactive Mapping

Lot plan


Key dates

Local Heritage Place Since —

Date of Citation —


Roof: Corrugated iron;
Walls: Timber

Criterion for listing

(A) Historical; (H) Historical association

Interactive mapping

City Plan Interactive Mapping


John Spence Irvine, a manager with the drapery firm of Foy and Gibson in Fortitude Valley, acquired this property in April 1905. The construction of the large residence was complete by 1908 when John, his wife Clara, and children took up residency. Irvine was a religious man, and for a number of years was the vice-president of the Baptist Association. In 1912 Irvine transferred the property to his wife’s name and the following year it was sold to Longreach grazier James Peter Peterson.

Peterson was described as ‘one of the best known pastoralists of this State’. Arriving in the west from New South Wales, Peterson had become the United Graziers Association’s agent in Longreach at the time of the Shearers Strike. He was a member of the Longreach Shire Council from the time of its formation until he left Longreach, and for six years was its Chairman. He retired to Brisbane around 1912 but maintained many property and business interests in western Queensland. After arriving in Brisbane he became a member of the Toombul Shire Council for seven years including a time as Chairman. From his retirement until his death in 1936 he was also on the executive of the United Graziers Association and a director of the ‘Graziers Review’. Peterson’s strong interest in politics had led to his founding the Primary Producers Union from which the Queensland Country Party grew. He unsuccessfully contested a seat in the Commonwealth Senate for the Country Party in 1922. 

Sarah Peterson nee Fagg had married James Peterson in 1892. A woman of substance she was heavily involved in philanthropic activities in Brisbane, and patriotic activities during both World Wars. Sarah was a foundation member of the Victoria League and honorary life member of the Queensland Women's Electoral League. During the 1920s she was one of the first female Justices of the Peace, and was president of the Metropolitan Branch of the Country Women’s Association. When James Peterson died at his home in May 1936 his widow remained in ownership of the house with her son Roy. Shortly after selling this house (April 1953) to Carl Wallace Bishop, Sarah Peterson was made a Member of the British Empire in recognition for her outstanding services to many public organisations.

Statement of significance

Relevant assessment criteria

This is a place of local heritage significance and meets one or more of the local heritage criteria under the Heritage planning scheme policy of the Brisbane City Plan 2014. It is significant because:

Supporting images

This is an image of ‘Brisbane residence, Mardan, 1921’, viewed from Adelaide Street East, Clayfield, looking south-west.

Photographer unknown,
‘Brisbane residence, Mardan, 1921',
John Oxley Library, State Library of Queensland

This is an image of ‘Part of the garden at Mardan, Brisbane, 1921’, viewed from the house across the front garden toward Adelaide Street East, looking north.

The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866-1939),
‘Part of the garden at Mardan, Brisbane, 1921', 30 July 1921,
John Oxley Library, State Library of Queensland


  1. Queensland Title Deeds

  2. Queensland Post Office Directories



  5. Brisbane Courier, 1864-1933

  6. Courier Mail, 1933-1954

  7. Morning Bulletin, 1878-1954

  8. Longreach Leader, 1923-1938

  9. Cairns Post, 1909-1954

  10. The Queenslander, 1866-1939

Citation prepared by — Brisbane City Council (page revised June 2022)

Federation 1890-1914
At 143 Adelaide Street East, Clayfield, Queensland 4011
At 143 Adelaide Street East, Clayfield, Queensland 4011 L2_RP103841
Historical, Historical association