
At 359 Gladstone Road, Dutton park, Queensland 4102

Type of place

Sportsground, Park


Victorian 1860-1890

This is an image of the local heritage place known as Dutton Park

Dutton Park

Dutton Park Download Citation (pdf, 108.29 KB)


At 359 Gladstone Road, Dutton park, Queensland 4102

Type of place

Sportsground, Park


Victorian 1860-1890

Associated with the early development of the district, the landmark Dutton Park has been a place of recreation, sport and leisure since the late 19th century. The park continues to be an important place for the local and wider community to meet and relax informally, and to play and engage in organised sport. The park is important for accommodating the Dutton Park Ferry Terminal, providing cross river transport for staff, students and visitors to the University of Queensland. As a large area of parkland falling down steep, stony slopes from the ridge to Gladstone Road through treed and grassed areas with shaded paths wending their way to the ferry terminal, the park is an important visual element in the riverscape. The ridge to Gladstone Road affords expansive views west, southwest, north and northeast over Brisbane.

Lot plan

L3_SP202639; L1_SP202639; L2_SP202639; L6_SP202639

Key dates

Local Heritage Place Since —

Date of Citation —


the El Salvador Soccer Club (Association)

Criterion for listing

(A) Historical; (E) Aesthetic; (G) Social

Interactive mapping

City Plan Interactive Mapping

Lot plan

L3_SP202639; L1_SP202639; L2_SP202639; L6_SP202639

Key dates

Local Heritage Place Since —

Date of Citation —


the El Salvador Soccer Club (Association)

Criterion for listing

(A) Historical; (E) Aesthetic; (G) Social

Interactive mapping

City Plan Interactive Mapping


Dutton Park was reserved for recreation in 1884 and vested in the Brisbane Metropolitan Council in 1888. Parkland adjacent to the Cemetery Reserve, it was called Dutton’s Park after Charles Boydell Dutton who was Minister for Lands in Queensland from 1883 to 1887 and was the author of the old Dutton Park Act.

In 1904 Brisbane Tramways Company developed Dutton Park as an amusement centre with performances by the Tramway Band. In 1916 the Dutton Park river baths were opened, providing safe swimming in an enclosure off the river bank. The baths closed in 1932. 

The University of Queensland at St Lucia opened c.1942 and the ferry from Dutton Park to service the increasing numbers of students and staff travelling across the river began operations in 1967.

Harmony Gardens was a beautification scheme undertaken in 1988 and includes a wind sculpture that was a community arts project initiated by the Brisbane City Council. Butterfly Playspace (a playground with play equipment) was erected in consultation with the local community and opened in 1999.


Bounded by Gladstone Road, the South Brisbane Cemetery, the Brisbane River and residential land to the northwest, Dutton Park is a large irregular wedge of open grassed parkland falling steeply from Gladstone Road to the edge of the Brisbane River. The park overlooks the St Lucia reach of the river and has a fine prospect to the University of Queensland campus. Dutton Park accommodates the Dutton Park Ferry Terminal and carpark, clubhouse and playing field for El Salvador Soccer Club Queensland, a vehicle roadway joining the Brisbane Corso and Gladstone Road, various pedestrian paths, Butterfly Playspace (1999), Harmony Gardens (1988) and a dog walking enclosure.

A 1974 flood marker standing southwest of the soccer clubhouse records that on 29 January 1974 floodwaters in Dutton Park reached 9.1metres. 

The park is characterised by stony grassed slopes sparsely planted with eucalypts, natives trees and figs. Mangroves flourish to the edge of the river. Shaded pedestrian paths wind through the park from Gladstone Road down to the Ferry Terminal. The ridge to Gladstone Road affords expansive and dramatic views across west and southwest Brisbane. 

The clubhouse and playing field for the El Salvador Soccer Club nestles into the flat grassed area adjacent to the cemetery near the river edge. The clubhouse is a freestanding masonry and steel pavilion rectangular in plan with a skillion roof. The building accommodates the clubrooms and public toilets. 

The Dutton Park Ferry Terminal and carpark stands to the northwest of the park. The terminal consists of two waiting areas, covered walkways and a ramp to the docking area. A freestanding masonry and steel pavilion with a skillion roof connects by a covered walkway with an open waiting area containing a timber bench seat sheltered by a skillion roof. A brief visual inspection of the site reveals that the park generally is in a satisfactory condition.

Statement of significance

Relevant assessment criteria

This is a place of local heritage significance and meets one or more of the local heritage criteria under the Heritage planning scheme policy of the Brisbane City Plan 2014. It is significant because:


  1. Brisbane City Council - City Assets Branch Conservation Management Study Stage 1 Report. November 2002

Citation prepared by — Brisbane City Council (page revised July 2022)

Victorian 1860-1890
At 359 Gladstone Road, Dutton park, Queensland 4102
At 359 Gladstone Road, Dutton park, Queensland 4102 L3_SP202639; L1_SP202639; L2_SP202639; L6_SP202639
Historical, Aesthetic, Social